
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Monday, February 25, 2013

25 Feb 2013  Flagstaff AZ

I heard of this awesome Lego tie, if there was ever a tie I ever wanted it would be one of these.

We got more snow this week.
 I go to both my wards on Sunday in the same church building. I'm not sure how many wards meet in this same building, there are at least 3. The wards that I go to meet at 9am and 1pm. I think only one of the wards have a choir, but they both might have a choir.
There are mountains around Flagstaff and I do believe that it is at a higher elevation than Mesa. I don't remember what the day's were that it snowed last week so I couldn't tell you if Wednesday was the day with the most snow.
Every week is different in the number of appointment that we get, but I think that we will be slowly getting more. We got 7 new investigators this week. We do go tracking, but we don't go a lot.

Serving in Flagstaff is great. The ward members we have are awesome, we get dinner every night, except one time like my second or third day.
Most people that I have met are pretty friendly, even if they're not interested at all they are still nice about it.

There are a lot of trees in Flagstaff compared to anywhere else in Arizona. Some areas are like Washington with the amount of trees, but the trees are more brown here. They have some of the same type of trees and they are green, with  just with a little brown and not as much green as in Washington.
Last p-day our district and the zone leaders played ultimate Frisbee and then we went to church and played a little basketball. We e-mail in the mornings around 10 a.m.  P-day doesn't start till 10 a.m. and it ends at 6 p.m.

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