
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 9

This week was pretty good, it was sunny all week again.
I got the package from Talitha later in the day last Monday. I didn't get an Easter package from you.
I haven't been to any activities from the ward yet, except two. The first was the Blue and Gold dinner, I got to eat dinner that day there. The second one was the pinewood derby, I was one of the judges. There's a Christmas party that got postponed to April 20, so if we can get some investigators there I think we will go.
No, I don't sing in the choir, and I don't plan on ever doing that.
My ankle is pretty much fine, it only made it a little hard to get around the first couple of days.

We have four people on date for for baptism next month and about 26-28 on date in our district (all on date, not just those that are on date next month). I think theres about a total of 16 on date next month and 11 are like 100% going to happen and the other 5 might get moved back I think.
Elder Caleb Swift

Monday, March 18, 2013

 Week 8

Talitha sent a package?   I have only gotten one since I have been out from dad and that was my ties? If Talitha sent one she might not have sent it priority mail so it would be stuck in the mission office till I go up there. I was talking to some other missionaries and there might be a package that is mine that went to my old address. So I might get it later today I'll email about it next week if I didn't or I did get it. Or if it is another package from dad.
We moved! Still serving the same area just changed the apartment we're in. We've upgraded a ton. There are some pics of my old apartment and the new one in the SD.  I'll try to send to you today with some other stuff.
This week it was sunny every day I think. Starting after General Conference we don't have to wear a suit anymore till the next General Conference. 
We have some appointments but in the middle of the day no one is really home so we end up going tracting or less active hunting a lot.

 The area we cover is really spread out from one end to the other: it could be at a least 30 minute drive. The amount of people, I have no idea.

I'm completely use to it, I could train right now. Normal day; study, tract, lunch, tract/ less active/ potentials, dinner, appointments.
Most people wear suits and ties, but there are some people that do have bola ties, just some old cowboy people. They have that cowboy look, so think of a stereo typical Texan and you would have a member in one of our wards. The Navajo people in the ward wear the same thing that everyone else wears, they don't have any weird clothing at church.
We are going to have a district BBQ today and then climb a hill and look at some ruin that are suppose to be up there.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week  7 

The place where I'm staying has a small kitchen and a bath and a small bedroom.  It snowed again a lot last Friday, but most of the snow is melted now.
My companion is doing fine, but he has gotten a lot of packages where I haven't.  We decide together on where to go that day.  My companion is the district leader here.  You should send me some cookies in a Tupperware container so I have something to put any left overs in when I make food for lunches.  Flagstaff has a whole zone with two districts in it.  The mission president was over in Flagstaff like two weeks ago.  The mission president was doing interviews.
This Sunday I gave a talk in the Mount Elden Ward.  It was on missionary work and I just talked about President Uchtdorf's talk in the February Ensign called, "Note to the Hesitant Missionary" (or something like that).
We eat at members home almost every day.  We do usually leave a message, one that we have left a lot is the 21 day promise.  I set another baptismal date for the 30th of March, we might have to move it back like a week or two just so we can get through all the lessons.  Going to set another baptismal date tonight!  That will make a total of 3 right now.
I was playing Frisbee last p-day and hurt my ankle, it got huge.  The swelling's almost all the way down now and I can walk fine now.  We might start doing P-90 X, we just need to see if we can get a copy from someone.

Whenever I get to go to the post office I will send the SD card and some other stuff.

Elder Swift

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

 4 March 2013
 Week 6
I think that last week was the first week it hadn't snowed at all. Today is a pretty sunny day, but it's supposed to snow this Wednesday. I'm not sure how many members and non-member I met with, a lot of people are less actives that we meet with. There were a ton of appointments that canceled. One day we stopped by some people's house, set up an appointment with them for a couple hours later and they canceled. Then we called them again later and set up another appointment for in 10 minutes.  Two seconds after we got off the phone they called back and canceled. We might go on a hike with our district later today to a crater, but other than that I haven't done any sight seeing.

Amery got in to BYU-I that's great, she should definitely go there. BYU-I is so much better than BYU spiritually, and you also get to have more fun. They say BYU-I is Celestial and BYU is terrestrial and all other schools are telestial. If she goes with a four year degree there we might be able to see each other there.

We do have some Navajo members in our ward, all of them that I have met all speak English and most speak English better than Navajo. I don't know if there are any unsafe areas, I haven't heard or been to any yet.